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School Policy

Implementation of Work Related to Safeguarding National Security in Schools (suggested learning time: approximately 115 minutes)

In light of the implementation of The Law of the People’s Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ("Hong Kong National Security Law"), the following circular provides schools with updated guidelines on school administration and education with a view to maintaining a safe and orderly learning environment on campus and cultivating students to become law-abiding citizens.  As for the presentation slides, it shares good practices of schools' national education measures to enhance the effectiveness of planning and implementing national security education in schools.

(1) Circular: Education Bureau Circular No. 9/2023 “National Security: Maintaining a Safe Learning Environment Nurturing Good Citizens” [12 pages]

(2) Presentation slides: Measures on strengthening national education (Chinese version only) [25 pages]


What roles and responsibilities do the members of SMCs have in implementing and promoting measures to safeguard national security?

  1. SMC Chairperson and SMC members can study two to three appropriate measures or activities in the presentation slides “Experience sharing by Sir Ellis Kadoorie Secondary School (West Kowloon)” (Chinese only) [53 pages] before the SMC meeting and reserve 20-30 minutes in the meeting to discuss.
  2. Select one activity in which your school excels in safeguarding national security and share the activity content and achievements with other schools through inter-school "learning circles" for reference.  


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